Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Birth

You've waited almost a year.  Waited for the delivery, expecting it any day now.  Finally it's time.  You rush out the door, expectant, tired of waiting, and hoping the delivery is actually today.  Then it happens.  You are handed the precious bundle and you sigh, before carefully folding back the covering to reveal your precious little bundle.  Pride fills your heart, and you can't wait to show it to those closest to you.  That's right!!!!  It's here, the galley of my newest book.

Do we ever grow tired of getting those new bundles of joy?  I doubt it.  As authors we put blood, sweat, and tears into each novel. We shape and mold our stories, cry with the characters and feel each pain they suffer.  We sigh with relief when the victory is won, then cry all over again with each word we cut, each scene we lose, and each rewrite, or edit cuts to the bone.  But in the end it is all worth it.

Pride in a job well done is worth the year or more of hard work.  A year of growing that precious bundle, until at last you're holding it in your hands.  Your baby, your little piece of you put out there for the entire world to see.  If you think the pains are over at this point, you're wrong.

Now your precious baby is in other people's hands.  Not everyone thinks your baby is as wonderful as you do.  Some even don't like it, think you should have never tried.  Some oohhh, and aaaahhh over your bundle.  Some even think it is as wonderful as you do.

Now you're a full fledged author.  A book under your belt and the proof in your hands.

I can't tell you how exciting it feels.  You just have to try it yourself and see the pride and joy that comes along with the printed copy in your hands. 

When you look at it, you see all the little imperfections.  The "Oh, I could have described that better."  The "I wish I'd have changed that."  But all in all there is something deep inside that tells you, "You've done the best you could at the time you wrote this book."  I think every author grows as a writer with each book, and you look back on those first ones with a blush, wondering why people like it so when it was so bad.  But still the pride in it never goes away.  It is a piece of you.  A bit of your soul put out there to be judged.

So just like your baby, be proud of what you've accomplished.  Rush out and show your new bundle to all of your friends, your neighbors, and even the girl at the bank.  Be proud of yourself.  You've actually delivered when so many miscarry. 

Be proud.  Show the world what you're made of.  Be confident in what you've produced.  Love the experience and be confident in yourself.

Getting that delivery is worth all the pains you went through to get it here.  Then pat yourself on the back and sleep with it for a few days.

That's right.  Enjoy your success.  I know I am.  I now hold in my hand the long awaited second book, and it feels grand.